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- February 26, 2018
Highlighted papers 2017

Highlighted papers are awarded every year based on the recommendations received by the handling editors.
- Nakamura T, Aoi S (2017) Source location and mechanism analysis of an earthquake triggered by the 2016 Kumamoto, southwestern Japan, earthquake. Earth Planets Space 69:6 doi: 10.1186/s40623-016-0588-9
- Hashima A, Sato T (2017) A megathrust earthquake cycle model for Northeast Japan: Bridging the mismatch between geological uplift and geodetic subsidence. Earth Planets Space 69:23 doi: 10.1186/s40623-017-0606-6
- Liau JR, Chao BF (2017) Variation of Antarctic circumpolar current and its intensification in relation to the southern annular mode detected in the time-variable gravity signals by GRACE satellite. Earth Planets Space 69:93 doi: 10.1186/s40623-017-0678-3
- Matsushima S, Kosaka H, Kawase H (2017) Directionally dependent horizontal-to-vertical spectral ratios of microtremors at Onahama, Fukushima, Japan. Earth Planets Space 69:96 doi: 10.1186/s40623-017-0680-9
- Asano K, Iwata T, Sekiguchi H, Somei K, Miyakoshi K, Aoi S, Kunugi T (2017) Surface wave group velocity in the Osaka sedimentary basin, Japan, estimated using ambient noise cross-correlation functions. Earth Planets Space 69:108 doi: 10.1186/s40623-017-0694-3
- Matsuno T, Evans RL (2017) Constraints on lithospheric mantle and crustal anisotropy in the NoMelt area from an analysis of long-period seafloor magnetotelluric data. Earth Planets Space 69:138 doi: 10.1186/s40623-017-0724-1
- Fukuhara T, Taguchi M, Imamura T, Hayashitani A, Yamada T, Futaguchi M, Kouyama T, Sato TM, Takamura M, Iwagami N, Nakamura M, Suzuki M, Ueno M, Hashimoto GL, Sato M, Takagi S, Yamazaki A, Yamada M, Murakami S-Y, Yamamoto Y, Ogohara K, Ando H, Sugiyama K-I, Kashimura H, Ohtsuki S, Ishii N, Abe T, Satoh T, Hirose C, Hirata N (2017) Absolute calibration of brightness temperature of the Venus disk observed by the Longwave Infrared Camera onboard Akatsuki. Earth Planets Space 69:141 doi: 10.1186/s40623-017-0727-y
- Shoji Y, Sato K, Yabuki M, Tsuda T (2017) Comparison of shipborne GNSS-derived precipitable water vapor with radiosonde in the western North Pacific and in the seas adjacent to Japan. Earth Planets Space 69:153 doi: 10.1186/s40623-017-0740-1
- Kazama Y, Wang B-J, Wang S-Y, Ho PTP, Tam SWY, Chang T-F, Chiang C-Y, Asamura K (2017) Low-energy particle experiments–electron analyzer (LEPe) onboard the Arase spacecraft. Earth Planets Space 69:165. doi: 10.1186/s40623-017-0748-6
- Mitsui Y, Yamada K (2017) Possible correlation between annual gravity change and shallow background seismicity rate at subduction zone by surface load. Earth Planets Space 69:166 doi: 10.1186/s40623-017-0753-9
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