- Recommended articles
- August 8, 2019
EPS Express Letters

Express Letters provide you with a fast turnaround time, while maintaining rigorous peer review. The turnaround time on average is 43 days from submission to first decision.
The following list gives you the all-time fastest Express Letters in each section published from January 2017 to July 2019 (77 papers in total). Click thumbnails to access article pages.
Section 1. Geomagnetism
Komori et al. (2017):
Depth profiles of resistivity and spectral IP for active modern submarine hydrothermal deposits: a case study from the Iheya North Knoll and the Iheya Minor Ridge in Okinawa Trough, Japan.
[4 days to first decision]
Ogawa et al. (2018):
A new miniaturized magnetometer system for long-term distributed observation on the seafloor.
[14 days to first decision]
Oda et al. (2018):
Characterization of marine ferromanganese crust from the Pacific using residues of selective chemical leaching: identification of fossil magnetotactic bacteria with FE-SEM and rock magnetic methods.
[22 days to first decision]
Yamauchi et al. (2018):
Effect of enhanced ionizing radiation on the cloud electricity after the Fukushima nuclear accident.
[34 days to first decision]
Ermakova et al. (2019):
Simulation of the ENSO influence on the extra-tropical middle atmosphere.
[35 days to first decision]
Hocking (2018):
Spatial distribution of errors associated with multistatic meteor radar.
[52 days to first decision]
Eswaraiah et al. (2017):
Do minor sudden stratospheric warmings in the Southern Hemisphere (SH) impact coupling between stratosphere and mesosphere–lower thermosphere (MLT) like major warmings?.
[26 days to first decision]
Chang et al. (2019):
ERG observations of drift echoes during a unique period of the satellite mission.
[27 days to first decision]
Teh et al. (2018):
Grad–Shafranov reconstruction of magnetohydrostatic equilibria with nonisotropic plasma pressure: the theory.
[41 days to first decision]
Motohashi et al. (2019):
Viscous strengthening followed by slip weakening during frictional melting of chert.
[20 days to first decision]
Romanet and Ide (2019):
Ambient tectonic tremors in Manawatu, Cape Turnagain, Marlborough, and Puysegur, New Zealand.
[22 days to first decision]
Nakajima and Matsuzawa (2017):
Anelastic properties beneath the Niigata–Kobe Tectonic Zone, Japan.
[25 days to first decision]
Ishii (2018):
Estimation of emission mass from an eruption plume for the Aso volcano eruption, on October 8, 2016, using a four-dimensional variational method.
[20 days to first decision]
Shinohara et al. (2017):
Continuous seismic monitoring of Nishinoshima volcano, Izu-Ogasawara, by using long-term ocean bottom seismometers.
[26 days to first decision]
Kaneko et al. (2018):
Pseudo-thermal anomalies in the shortwave infrared bands of the Himawari-8 AHI and their correction for volcano thermal observation.
[27 days to first decision]
Itaba (2018):
Rapid estimation of the moment magnitude of the 2011 Tohoku-Oki earthquake (Mw 9.0) from static strain changes.
[26 days to first decision]
Katsigianni et al. (2019):
Galileo millimeter-level kinematic precise point positioning with ambiguity resolution.
[31 days to first decision]
Ohzono et al. (2019):
Spatiotemporal crustal strain distribution around the Ishikari-Teichi-Toen fault zone estimated from global navigation satellite system data.
[32 days to first decision]
Onishi and Sekiya (2017):
Planetesimal formation by an axisymmetric radial bump of the column density of the gas in a protoplanetary disk.
[29 days to first decision]
Jogo et al. (2018):
Redistribution of Sr and rare earth elements in the matrices of CV3 carbonaceous chondrites during aqueous alteration in their parent body.
[30 days to first decision]
Miyagoshi et al. (2018):
Effects of adiabatic compression on thermal convection in super-Earths of various sizes.
[43 days to first decision]