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- February 27, 2019
[Frontier Letter] Imaging high-latitude plasma density irregularities resulting from particle precipitation: spaceborne L-band SAR and EISCAT observations

Particle precipitation represents an important source of irregular plasma density structures in the high-latitude ionosphere. Sato et al. (2018) used Synthetic Aperture Radar to image the small-scale plasma density irregularities under high levels of ionization of up to approximately 300 km over Tromsø, Norway. The irregular electron density is characterized by tens of kilometers of band-like structures aligned in the east-west direction with small patch-like structures. This study presents the first coordinated observations of high-latitude ionosphere features by using SAR satellites and incoherent scatter radar.

This article was a contribution to the special issue of "Recent Advances in MST and EISCAT/Ionospheric Studies - Special Issue of the Joint MST15 and EISCAT18 Meetings, May 2017."