• おすすめの記事
  • 2016.10.14

In-flight scalar calibration of the Swarm magnetometry package

Tøffner-Clausen et al. (2016) presented the in-flight scalar calibration and characterisation of the Swarm magnetometry package consisting of the absolute scalar magnetometer, the vector magnetometer, and the spacecraft structure supporting the instruments. A significant improvement in the scalar residuals between the pairs of magnetometers is demonstrated, confirming the high performance of these instruments. もっと読む

  • おすすめの記事
  • 2016.10.14

Thermospheric inter-annual variability

Using a 46-year-long dataset of the thermospheric density during 1967–2012, Liu (2016) examined the inter-annual variability in the thermosphere at 400 km and its potential connection to El-Nino Southern Oscillation (ENSO) and stratospheric Quasi-Biennial Oscillation (QBO). Wavelet analysis reveals two major modes of the thermosphere inter-annual oscillation, with the slower mode having an average period of ~64 months and the faster mode of ~28 months. もっと読む