Suzuki et al. (2016) have conducted waveform inversion to infer the three-dimensional (3-D) S-velocity structure in the lowermost 400 km of the mantle (the D'' region) beneath the Northern Pacific region. The 3-D S-velocity model obtained in this stu… もっと読む
Together with geodetic and seismic inversions of subsurface fault slip for the 2016 Mw = 7.0 16 April 2016 Kumamoto earthquake, Toda et al. (2016) present a schematic structural model where oblique motion occurred on a northwest-dipping subsurface fa… もっと読む
The Marmara region located at the western extension of the North Anatolian Fault Zone (NAFZ) is one of the most tectonically active zones in Turkey. Numerous catastrophic events such as earthquakes or earthquake/landslide-induced tsunamis have occurr… もっと読む
The 2016 Kumamoto earthquake sequence started with an MJMA 6.5 foreshock occurring along the northern part of the Hinagu fault, central Kyushu, Japan, and the MJMA 7.3 mainshock occurred just 28 h after the foreshock. Asano and Iwata (2016) analyzed … もっと読む
The complex rupture process of the 2016 Kumamoto earthquake sequence is an important phenomenon to understand the nature of earthquake occurrence in complex faulting zones. Yagi et al. (2016) found that the rupture process of the mainshock and the di… もっと読む
Determination of the 3-D distribution of electrical conductivity in Earth's mantle from Swarm satellite data: Frequency domain approach based on inversion of induced coefficients Most previous global induction studies have assumed simple structures o… もっと読む