• おすすめの記事
  • 2016.10.14

Thermospheric inter-annual variability

Using a 46-year-long dataset of the thermospheric density during 1967–2012, Liu (2016) examined the inter-annual variability in the thermosphere at 400 km and its potential connection to El-Nino Southern Oscillation (ENSO) and stratospheric Quasi-Biennial Oscillation (QBO). Wavelet analysis reveals two major modes of the thermosphere inter-annual oscillation, with the slower mode having an average period of ~64 months and the faster mode of ~28 months. もっと読む

  • おすすめの記事
  • 2016.10.14

In-flight scalar calibration of the Swarm magnetometry package

Tøffner-Clausen et al. (2016) presented the in-flight scalar calibration and characterisation of the Swarm magnetometry package consisting of the absolute scalar magnetometer, the vector magnetometer, and the spacecraft structure supporting the instruments. A significant improvement in the scalar residuals between the pairs of magnetometers is demonstrated, confirming the high performance of these instruments. もっと読む

  • おすすめの記事
  • 2016.11.15

Toward the effective geodetic observation network

About 40 tracking stations all over the world are currently operational for Satellite Laser Ranging (SLR), a very precise geodetic technique. Otsubo et al. (2016) ran a unique simulation to find the optimal place of a future SLR station. The answer depends on a geodetic product and one example is shown for the center of gravity of the Earth: the X and Y components are largely improved by a high-latitude station especially in the southern hemisphere, whereas the Z component is improved by a low-latitude station. もっと読む

  • おすすめの記事
  • 2016.11.15

Response of hydrothermal system to stress changes

Time-lapse monitoring of seismic velocity at volcanic areas can provide unique insight into the property of hydrothermal and magmatic fluids and their temporal variability. Taira and Brenguier (2016) established a quasi real-time velocity monitoring system by using seismic interferometry with ambient noise to explore the temporal evolution of velocity in the Lassen Volcanic Center, Northern California. もっと読む

  • ニュース
  • 2017.03.02


Earth, Planets and Space (EPS誌)は2017年3月3日にグローバルウェブサイトをリニューアルいたしました。 もっと読む

  • ニュース
  • 2017.03.02


EPSでは現在4つの特別号にて論文投稿を受け付けています。以下のリンクから各特別号の内容をご確認いただき、ご自身の研究の関連するテーマのものがあれば是非投稿をご検討ください。 もっと読む

  • ニュース
  • 2023.10.12

2023 EPS Excellent Paper Awardへの推薦受付

2023 EPS Excellent Paper Award につきまして推薦受付を開始しました。 もっと読む
